These pages are our archives; our current website is at

We have a Myspace page as well:

Please direct any inquiries to the following address: contact(AT)
(Please substitute @ for (AT); we are trying to avoid spam).

Our postal address is:

c/o Jan-Peer Hartmann
Ganzhornweg 8E
14089 Berlin

Feedback of any kind is very welcome; please use our Guestbook as well!

Nai anar calúva tielyannar!

Credits & Legal notice

This website was created by the "Fauns"; the band members are responsible for its contents. The using of any part of it requires prior permission. The drawings are by Jan and Nils, photographies by Urs and Monika Hartmann unless stated otherwise. We'd like to thank Kirsten Middeke for the lovely Tengwar-writing and Marko Faber for the first version of the Fauns home page.

This site went online on 22 July 2000.

Last update: 6 February 2009.